Saturday, October 17, 2009

Change of Topic

Hey Everyone!

Instead of this being a Music Post, this would be dedicated to bascially what is going on in my head and stuff I did. In a way, an online Journal lol. I will do something more with music once I get a better idea of how I should do it. Until then, this will remain as my one and only Blog.
Now I will not talk about boring events or stuff that is lame. It would be anything good and interesting only I will post here! I feel this is more appropriate to the title and hopfully live up to its name. I will do my first topic shortly!
- Chris

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yay for being a newcomer!

Hey Anyone and Everyone!

I am actually new to blogspot, so please be aware that I'm learning this place XD. In this blog I am going to be mostly talking about music, music reviews and the trends and styles of different decades. Of course, I will talk about different things as well like experiences, cooking and many other things. So hopefully this will be enterataining and perhaps even insightful at times. Feel free to leave a comment of tips or advice to help out.
